Industrial visit to Ptanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar

April 5
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Sanskar College of Pharmacy and Research, Ghaziabad organized an Industrial visit to Ptanjali
Yogpeeth, Haridwar on 5 th April, 2024 for B.Pharm IV year students. Patanjali Yogpeeth is a
Naturopathy Centre, aimed at providing psychological and spiritual heath to people suffering
from various incurable diseases through integrated therapy of Ayurveda. The Purpose of the trip
was the Exploration and Identification of Medicinal Plants as a Part of B.Pharm Curriculum.
Herbal Garden Visit was very insightful to know that the 900 species of Medicinal Plants are
being used in the treatment of various ailments without any side effects. The beauty of Ayurveda
could clearly be seen and felt. There were 43 Students and 2 Faculty Members (Mr. Sazid Khan
and Mr.Ankur Yadav) who became a part of the Industrial Trip. The visit was very well co-
ordinated by Dr. Qurratul Ain. Such Industrial Visits are very important for the intellectual
growth of students. Practical experiences prepare and nurture the knowledge of students.


April 5
Event Category:


Sanskar Educational Group


Sanskar Educational Group
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