Workshop on Medical Coding

March 7
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Sanskar College of Pharmacy & Research organized two days Workshop on Medical Coding on 6th and 7th March 2024 in association with Genus Healthcare Solution and IT Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Medical coding is one of the career options which B.Pharm students can opt after being certified medical coder. In this medical coder transform healthcare diagnosis, procedures, medical services, and equipment on medical records of patients into universal medical alphanumeric codes. During the workshop, students were able to learn medical terminologies used for Medical Coding as well as new software developments and business management tools.
During the workshop, Mr. Vikas Maheshwari, Managing Director- Genus Healthcare explained the importance of Medical Coding in Healthcare System and elaborated it in detail with case studies.
Mr. Hans Raj, Genus Healthcare told that medical coding is implemented in US to strengthen Healthcare system. He also discussed about CPC and CCS examination for US Healthcare Medical Coder.
Mr. Shobhit Malik, Genus Healthcare trained the students on evaluation and management coding (E & M Coding) which is a medical coding process in support of medical billing. Furthermore, he explained the students about International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), ICD10 Codes, Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes, Trouble Shooting in ICD Code Search. He guided the students about how to give codes through examples of case studies and how CPT codes are used to track and bill medical, surgical, and diagnostic services. He also demonstrated how coding is done on industrial level.
All B.Pharm III year and IV year participated in this workshop with a greater zeal and enthusiasm and got an opportunity to learn various terminologies used in Medical Coding. After completion of workshop, the students were evaluated and certificates were distributed to all the participants during the valedictory function. Ms Himani Singhal was given best performance award during the workshop.
Chairman, Sanskar Educational Group, Shri Manoj Kumar Gupta, Treasurer, Mr. Kush Aggarwal, Secretary Mr. lav Aggarwal, Director, Dr. Babita Kumar, HOD- Dr. Shabnam Ain and Dr. Anuradha Singh conveyed their good wishes to all the students for their future endeavors. The event was very well organized by Dr. Qurratul Ain and Ms Akshoo Rathi.


March 7
Event Category:


Sanskar Educational Group


Sanskar Educational Group
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