Sanskar College of Pharmacy and Research organized a visit to GS Medical College, where diploma in pharmacy students explored various departments, including OPD, Gynecology, Orthopedics, ENT, ICU, NICU, and Medicine Ward. Students observed patient consultations, prescription handling, and counseling in the OPD, while the Gynecology department emphasized prenatal and postnatal care. In Orthopedics and ENT, they learned about pain management, rehabilitation medications, and treatments for infections and allergies. The ICU and NICU provided insights into critical care medications and aseptic techniques, and the Medicine Ward showcased drug administration and monitoring for chronic illnesses. The visit enhanced their practical knowledge and emphasized the importance of interdisciplinary healthcare.
The visit was well-coordinated by coordinator Mr. Lucky Mauryaunder the guidance of respected Dr. Anuradha HOD D.Pharm, Dr. Shabnam Ain HOD B.Pharm&Dr. Babita Kumar Director Pharmacy