Sanskar College of Management and Professional Studies (SCMPS), Sanskar Educational Group, Ghaziabadon 10th October 2024 organised an intriguing visit to Mother Dairy,Vinod Nagar Delhi which isone of the largest Liquid milk plant of Asia, for the students of BBA as part of industrial visit. The visit intended to give students an exposure to the overall operation management of a manufacturing unit.
The visit started with welcome milk drink to all students at the plant. Plant Officer Shri R K Pillai, PR manager of Mother Dairy plant through a guided tour and power point presentation, shared the details of different products viz. Mother Dairy, Safal and Dhara.Testing the purity of milk through various methods were shown. Different process of pasteurization, hominization plants and packaging which is done at Pilakwa, UP plant was explained to students in detail. The day concluded with ice cream treat to students and faculty coordinators from SCMPS.
SCMPS is committed to hosting such cognitive visits in future too for empowering students to hone theirpotential. Glimpses of the visit attached below: